DOIs and your Biographical info


Dear OJS participant,

We are now "live" as a "technical academic journal".  We have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) that are part of our citation.  You can place the DOI as a direct reference to a journal paper or entire issue and the link will take it to it's "official home" on the internet.   Authors, free to put the DOI links on your website, in your newsletters, in your LinkedIn, or anywhere you want to publicize your work.  We are still tweaking the system to maximize the Journal's exposure so your "Google Scholar," "OrcID," and other writer's profiles will not only track your publications but who is citing you.

Because of this, we ask every registrant to log in and check your bio.  We did not provide proper guidance in filling out the forms so we have a range of data.   THESE WILL NOT CHANGE THE EXISTING PAPERS AUTOMATICALLY.  We have to "republish" the page to make the changes and want to give people time to make changes.  Please check your profile information under the various tabs:

Under the first tab "Identity" -- put your writer's name including honorifics like "PE, DFE" in the block “how do you preferred to be addressed” line in the “Identity” tab under profile.  You can use your full legal name or the name you work under.  For example, my full name is "Clarence Barton Kemper III," but I go by "Bart Kemper" and publish as such unless the government says otherwise, so for this site I have "Bart Kemper, PE, DFE".  It should be consistent with your past publications. Our only academic honorific is PhD or equivalent.

Next tab is “Contact” – "Affiliation" should be the person’s company, university, or agency

Next tab is “Public” tab --  Do not upload an image as we do not use them, but please check your bio.  Keep in mind this will be viewable by potential clients, so be professional.  It should about the same size as what fits the text box or small -- it's not your CV so it cannot be long, so please make it concise.

Thank you for all of your help as being part of the Journal.   We cannot make this happen without our authors and reviewers.  The Journal staff is dedicated to serving our primary readership, the NAFE membership.

Bart Kemper
Editor In Chief, JotNAFE