Use of the Repairability Assessment Method for Evaluating Asphalt-Composition Shingle Roof Repairs


  • Chad T. Williams, PE, DFE Valor Forensic Engineering Services, LLC



Repaiarabilty, Brittle, Composition Shignles, Asphalt, Hail, Wind, Damage, Asphalt-composition shingles, roofing, repairability assessment, forensic engineering


Each year, wind and hail cause billions of dollars in damage to asphalt shingle roofs of residential and commercial buildings. In some instances, the damage is clearly apparent to justify replacement of the entire roof surface. In other instances, the damage is more difficult to ascertain, leading to divergent opinions on whether the roof should be fully replaced or have more economical, localized repairs conducted. Historically, methods used to evaluate whether localized shingle repairs can be successfully and adequately performed have been done using a variety of approaches that rely on inconsistent and subjective analysis. This paper offers an alternative approach — the Repairability Assessment method. In this approach, the repairability of the roof is determined by evaluating whether repair actions will propagate damage. Evaluators using this method can calculate a damage rate and damage ratio that will provide them with a quantitative and repeatable means to guide their repairability assessment.


Aon, “Weather, Climate & Catastrophe Insight: 2019 Annual Report”, p 27, 2020.

T. P. Marshall and R. F. Herzog, “Protocol for Assessment of Hail-Damaged Roofing,” Proceedings of the North America Conference on Roofing Technology, p 40-46, 1999.




How to Cite

Williams, Chad. 2021. “Use of the Repairability Assessment Method for Evaluating Asphalt-Composition Shingle Roof Repairs”. Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers 37 (1).


